(That's us in the photo above, a few years back.) She lived in a nursing home for her last 5 years and I was her go-to family carer for the most part, which kind of just happened. I didn’t know any other people in a similar situation, and it was pretty isolating.
Keeping Mum’s mission is to connect with others who want to make a difference for unpaid family carers... Especially those balancing their careers around family duties.
Check out our podcast and Instagram and drop me a comment or DM if you want a chat.
Becoming a loved one’s carer is a weird trip; this is your place to connect, laugh/cry and share if you feel like it.
My mother and inspiration behind Keeping Mum, died on 14 October 2019.
My sisters, Mum’s family and her carers were able to spend her last days around her bedside, reminiscing and sharing stories of the great woman, and saying our farewells.
Rest assured, there's lots more Quality Content in the archives still to come for the Keeping Mum network. She was one stylin' babe.